Monday, July 31, 2006

This map is huge about the size a quarter football field, it is located in a museum at Victoria Island, BC, from two view points at either end you can use binoculars and by doing so we were told you are seeing the area from 500 miles from the earth. I took this photo with a 50 mm lens and a Nikon FM2 manual camera from the side. Note the area of the west coast of the state of Washington and Victoria Island above it, the red line in the photograph seperates Canada and the United States. When we arrived from Washington we arrived near the tip of Victoria Island from Port Washington, Washington. The kids and I enjoyed this musuem, it had hands on mapping with a joystick in booths where you could zoom in and look at different areas of British Columbia. Also a movie played showing all of British Columbia, it was magnicificant, such beauty and such a large area. Go see it if you get the chance. Spectacular! Posted by Picasa


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